Saturday, November 1, 2008


The night before Halloween Vickie and I bought a very small green pumpkin at the market and carved it with the family and some of the students from the school. After lighting our Jack-o-Lantern there were many many many camera phone pictures taken.
When I went to dinner on Halloween day my host sister (Fon - 15). Had drawn a picture for me titled Happy Halloween Day. There were trick or treaters dressed as a ghost and a witch, carved pumpkins, buckets of candy and houses decorated for the occasion. She hit all the major points. Then just as I was getting ready to go to sleep there was a knock on my door and Fon and her mother (Pi Waa) were outside with a well rehearsed "Trick or Treat" and a hand full of candy. Trick or Treaters who bring candy are the best kind. :)  

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